Sir Ulrich’s Commander’s Logbook: Production & Trade in Goodgame Empire

Today we’re going to take another look at Sir Ulrich’s commander’s logbook and give you some tips on how economy and trade, work in Goodgame Empire. This will help you improve everyday life at your castle and prevent starvation and dwindling of resources. Enjoy some of the best tips from Sir Ulrich! 

No pain, no gain

It’s not hard to have a castle to your name – but running one is another matter! You need more than just an army to be successful in Goodgame Empire, you also need a good sense of economics. When i focus on expanding my castle and provide my subjects with work and food, I ensure that my fortress has enough stone quarries, woodcutters, and farmhouses to produce the required resources, such as wood, stone, and food. We have three production buildings running at full capacity to supply my castle with enough resources, and each additional one runs at a reduced workload. For my economy to prosper, I need at least five woodcutters and stone quarries, as well as eight farmhouses. I also have to utilize the space in my castle effectively and expand it on a regular basis.

Building a stonemason, sawmill, and flour mill increases the productivity of their production buildings. The bakery that I recently built actually reduces the amount of food my army consumes. I can also visit the research tower to find new ways to increase resource production. When times get tough, I can send out an overseer: he will boost a resource’s production by 25% for at least seven days. Since the resource carts surrounding my castle fill up with free wood, stone, and food several times per day, I also find it worthwhile to leave my castle every now and then to collect their goods.

The storehouse holds the resources produced in the castle. I upgrade the storehouse from time to time to increase its capacity so that I can always keep enough resources on hand. This is important because as my castle grows, so does the number of warriors and workers who I need to provide for. I regularly send out my tax collector to make sure that not only the storehouse, but also my war chest, always stays full. A good king must care about his people and do good deeds for them. By placing decorative items in the castle, I can increase public order, productivity, and make the castle more scenic.

Expansion & cooperation

If space is getting a bit tight in your main castle, it’s time for an expansion. Outposts are excellent for this – you can lay claim to three outposts at most. Some of these produce stone while others are better suited for producing food or wood. However, each outpost can only produce two of these three resources, so trade is essential.

If I want to transport resources between my castle and outposts or even to another kingdom, I must build a marketplace first. This supplies the market barrows that you need to dispatch resources across the empire for only a few coins. I can send out even more market barrows by upgrading my marketplace. A clever ruler knows that you can’t rely on only the resources you produce yourself. That’s why I maintain good trade relations with my allies and regularly exchange resources with them.

At the end of the day, I can finally reap the fruits of my labor and enjoy some time off my feet. My troops, however, must always stay alert, since my wealth could easily attract greedy robber barons. But I’m not worried because strong defense has always been my specialty!